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Repairs & Maintenance

Even the best equipment requires maintenance and in some cases repair. Meech equipment in some installations are subjected to some of the harshest conditions on earth. UV, Temperature, Radiation, Salination, Chemical attack, corrosion etc.


And let's not forget, even with clients that are well versed in Static Electricity Controls....accidents can happen. 


Meech Australia Static Control (MASC) are authorized repairers for Meech equipment. 


                                                                                                         Temporary repairs where static  control equipment is literally patched                                                                                                                                            up with sticky tape, completed by clients in an order to keep production running is dangerous. 


As some equipment is used in hazardous areas there are strict rules in how this equipment can be repaired and returned to service.


Repairs and Maintenance as part of a Static Electricity Control Plan are required to be recorded within the plan. Serialization and identifiers must be maintained in order to remain compliant.


MASC provide Early Detection Service & Maintenance Programs that are critical in ensuring that static electricity control systems are operating correctly, limiting any production downtime and reducing any associated risk.


MASC recommend that all equipment is checked prior to start up or at the commencement of each shift. Particular care needs to be taken prior to and after a "Shutdown for Maintenance"


Periodic cleaning and maintenance of static electricity control  equipment is essential. Whilst it is critical that a site complies with the minimum requirement of visual inspection and electrical testing as set out in the Australian and New Zealand & International standards, it is important to discuss maintenance in relation to risk.


A site that has an inherent high risk may require more frequent visual inspection or electrical testing than that recommended within the Australian and New Zealand/International standards 


In the case of static electricity, the build up of deposits on emitter pins can result in inconsistent performance of ionisation and consequently the level of static control.


Maintenance of equipment in a Hazardous Area is set out in AS/NZS60079.17 : Inspection and Maintenance - Explosive Environments. FOLLOW the STANDARD.



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